The Golden Rock is a highly sacred pilgrimage for Myanmar buddhists. It is said that this huge rock is kept balancing at the edge of a cliff by a strategicaly placed little paya containing some of Buddha's hair.
Le Golden Rock peut etre joint par un chemin de montagne ou par un genre de truck-taxi. On etait des vrais, on allait la grimper, la montagne. Et ca en a vallu la peine! On en a sue une maudite shot, par contre! On a marche pendant des heures a travers quelques habitations, devenant de plus en plus rares le long du chemin. Boris a failli marcher sur un serpent, tellement il ressemblait aux brindilles qui jonchaient le sol.
Eventuellement, nous arrivions a un petit village. Pas d'eau courante, pas d'electricite, a l'exception de generateurs. Et c'est au milieu de ce village que nous parvient l'improbable son de Super Mario Bros!! COME ON!! On est au milieu de nulle part, et voila que ca sort d'une hutte en bambou! Irreel! On a egalement eu une introduction au jeu de poches local, un lancer de 3 roches blanches et rondes dans des trous. On compte les points selon la rangee ou les roches sont arrivees. J'ai gagne!!
The part I loved the most was to climb up that mountain to reach the Golden Rock. Man, was it hot and humid! We walked for hours through little habitations that became more and more scarce. Boris almost walked on a snake, as it looked so much alike the fallen long twigs that were on the path.
We eventually arrived in a little village. No running water, no electricity except from generators. And there, suddenly... there was the sound of Super Mario Brothers being played!! COME ON!! We're in the middle of nowhere, and yet that is the sound that came from a bamboo hut! Totally surreal! We have also been introduced to a local game of throwing 3 little white rocks into wholes. The number of points depends on which wholes you get. I won :)
Femmes sous le Golden Rock. Elles ne sont pas permises a cote du rocher. |
Une fois arrive au sommet, le soleil est finalement apparu, comme pour benir l'endroit sacre. On a pu voir le Golden Rock dans la lumiere doree se refletant sur les feuilles d'or appliquees a sa surface. En tant que femme, je ne pouvais approcher du rocher. Boris a pris quelques photos pour moi en me niaisant (sweet), et a aussi pu voir a quel point le rocher est en equilibre; un garde a place des brindilles sous la base et a commence a pousser le rocher. On peut alors voir les brindilles plier. C'est impressionnant, car c'est un pays qui connait tremblements de terre et cyclones, et le rocher est encore en equilibre...
Once we reached the end of our journey, the sun finally appeared from between the clouds. We could see the Golden Rock glittering in the sunshine. As a woman, I couldn't go close to the rock (completely un-buddhist, by the way) but Boris took pictures for me. He also witnessed how the rock was balancing: a guard placed some twigs vertically under the rock, and tried to rock the boulder back and forth. He could actually see the twigs bend as the rock was moving. Boris was really impressed with this, especially if you think this country has sustained some major earthquakes and cyclones. And the boulder is still balancing...
Moment de recueillement, zone authorisee aux femmes |
Il y avait pas mal de monde venus venerer le rocher. C'est suppose amener pas mal de merite de faire ce pelerinage, ce qui a son tour ameliore le Karma et ameliore la chance dans cette vie ou la prochaine. Mais quand les gens ont vu qu'il y avait des blancs parmi eux, la qualite mystique du lieu a comme pris le bord et on a ete quasi-kidnappes pour se faire prendre en photo!!
There were people worshiping the rock. It is supposed to bring you great merit to do this pilgrimage, which improves your karma, and by consequence your life in this lifetime or the next. But it looks like the sudden appearance of 2 white people amongst the pilgrims put the whole mystical experience aside, as we were almost kidnapped by groups of them who wanted to take pictures of us!! So much for the meditative contemplation :)
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