Mais d'abord, la petite histoire du visa...
Depart, aeroport de Bangkok |
J'ai pris mon visa pour la Chine a Chiang Mai, Thailande, sans aucun probleme. 4 jours ouvrables, et le droit d'entrer au pays jusqu'a 3 mois apres la date d'emission. On etait le 23 mai... donc 23 aout, non?
J'ai pris un billet d'avion (cheap) pour le 22 aout, juste pour etre sure. Ce que j'avais manque, c'est qu'il fallait entrer au pays AVANT le 23 aout... mon vol arrivait en theorie le 22 aout 23h10... Pas bien grand comme marge de manoeuvre!!!
Alors moi, toute paniquee de stress, cherche a changer de vol et tout, et realise que ca va me couter une belle beurree... J'ai decide de tenter le vol en question, et voir ce qui arrive a l'aeroport. Ca peut pas etre si pire, non? Refus d'entree? Deportation? Prison??? Aie aie aie...
Mais bon, je vis l'aventure, et arrive a l'aeroport EXACTEMENT a 23h30. Je sprinte dans les couloirs aux tapis mecaniques de l'aeroport de Guangzhou, le passeport dans la mains et la toune d'Indiana Jones dans la tete. J'arrive premiere, 23h40, dans la ligne d'immigration. OUF!!!
Le douanier me regarde a peine, passe a travers les pages de mon passeport d'un air indifferent, tamponne mon visa a 23h41, le 22 aout, et au suivant! J'ai perdu 20 livres de poids imaginaire en une minute! Le meilleur regime du monde :))
J'ai appris par la suite qu'ils n'auraient rien fait si c'etait le 23 aout, mais un petit trill ne fait pas de tort de temps en temps, non? :)
Maintenant, a moi la Chine!!
Ne jamais sous-estimer l'importance des traductions!!! |
Life away from Facebook and Blogspot has made it difficult to continue to share my stories with you, but fortunately, travel journals help filling the gaps and let you know how incredible China and Nepal are.
But first, here is the Visa story...
I got my Chinese visa in Chiang Mai, Thailand, without any problem. Four working days, and valid 3 months after issue date. We were May 23rd, so until August 23rd... or so I thought until I looked again at the visa, months later, way after booking a cheap flight on the 22nd "just to make sure".
I had not realized it was written ENTER BEFORE August 23rd. My flight was due to arrive at 23h10 on the 22nd... roughly 50 min margin before being outlaw!!! And incredibly expensive to change the flight.
So I bravely (haha) decided to keep that flight, and hope it would arrive on time. What would be the worse thing? Couldn't be that bad, could it?? Refusing entry? Deportation? Prison??? Oh dear...
A lot of "breathe in, breathe out" later, the plane landed on time, and by 23h20 I was olympic walking along the long corridors of Guangzhou airport, passport in the hand, Indiana Jones theme song in the head.
I arrive first of line, 23h40. Pfiou!!
The immigration officer barely looked at me. He gave an uninteressed look at my colourful passport, flipped to the visa and added his stamp at 23h41, August 22nd. Next. I lost instantly 20 pounds of imaginary weight. The best diet ever!
I learned they would include the 23rd in the visa. But you never know until you get there, right?
Now, China, here I come!!!
Guangzhou, from a ferry |
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